SHEAR7 v4.12b – Latest Release


SHEAR7 v4.12b includes theoretical improvements, processing enhancements and bug fixes to improve various aspects of the SHEAR7 software, and is now available for download. Some of the highlights of this new version include:

  • Adjustment of Power Zone Amplitude Limit value in example files
  • Inclusion of optional curvature time history output file, *.s7cth
  • Added clearer error for non-existent input files. If an input *.s7dat cannot be resolved by SHEAR7 to an existing file, an output error code 74 will be written to a *.s7out of the same name
  • Changes to SHEAR7 uninstaller and addition of SHEAR7 icons
  • Added official support for Windows 11
  • A new lift table for high Reynold’s number has been developed for High Reynolds numbers and included in the new Lift Table file.
  • The Order that Power Zone Amplitude Limit (PZAL) And Power Cutoff are applied by SHEAR7 have been reversed (details for this change are provided in the User Guide).
  • Inclusion of optional displacement time history output file *.s7dth

The v4.12b Academic License contains all changes above, including the new Varying Structural Damping “Stick-Slip” module for BETA testing, and is subject to the restrictions detailed in the v4.12b User Guide.

For more information on the SHEAR7 version release or academic licensing, please see the Development Path page, refer to the v4.12b User Guide, or contact the SHEAR7 Management Team directly.

To DownloadIf your license is current, you should have received an email with passwords and instructions on downloading this latest version. If you believe your license is up to date and you have not received this information or would like more information on SHEAR7, please contact us.

SHEAR7 JIP Now Managed by AMOG


AMOG is proud to announce that MIT passed the management and control of the SHEAR7 JIP to AMOG earlier this year. The SHEAR7 JIP is arguably the offshore industry’s longest running JIP (Joint Industry Project) and arguably MIT’s longest running industry sponsored research program, having run for ~30 years under the stewardship of Professor Kim Vandiver.

AMOG has been involved supporting clients in VIV prediction, mitigation, and forensic analysis for several decades. Around 10 years ago AMOG took over the SHEAR7 software exclusive distribution (under licence from MIT), code development and user support.

The SHEAR7 JIP itself tackles the complex field of vortex-induced vibration response of offshore industry structures. The JIP will continue in its aims to provide research, which can be incorporated into the latest version of the SHEAR7 software and assist operators and contractors to provide safe and efficient designs protecting against the adverse fatigue and drag effects of VIV, particularly in deeper and deeper waters.

The SHEAR7 JIP provides research and gives operators direct access to the research findings. The SHEAR7 User Group is the community of software users that benefit from the updates to the program and community discussions on topics. For many of the existing JIP Members and User Group Members, they will not see much material change in the delivery of the research and software. AMOG is committed to the enduring success of the JIP and User Group and we look forward to the continual hosting of the annual user group meeting and provision of training services while also welcoming any new members. 

There are several keystone and long running sponsors that have played a major role in supporting the enduring JIP and we thank them for their previous and continuing support. With the pass of the baton to AMOG, Professor Vandiver will still play an integral role in advising on the content of the research and direction, and we look forward to Prof Vandiver and his team’s ongoing support and guidance.
SHEAR7 started in the early 1990s when SHELL and Professor Vandiver from MIT formed a JIP. Initial protagonists were Don Allen, Dean Henning and Li Lee. Many have been involved since including Steve Leverette, Christopher Wajnikonis, Professor Vandiver’s research students, a limited, not exhaustive list include Yongming Cheng, Jung-Chi Liao, Vikas Jhingran, Vivek Jaiswal, Susan Swithenbank, Zhibiao Rao, Leixin Ma and long time contributor Themis Resvanis.


SHEAR7 v4.12 includes theoretical improvements, processing enhancements and bug fixes to improve various aspects of the SHEAR7 software, and is now available for download. Some of the highlights of this new version include:

  • A new lift table for high Reynold’s number has been developed for High Reynolds numbers and included in the new Lift Table file.
  • The Order that Power Zone Amplitude Limit (PZAL) And Power Cutoff are applied by SHEAR7 have been reversed (details for this change are provided in the User Guide).
  • Inclusion of optional displacement time history output file *.s7dth

The v4.12 Academic License contains all changes above, including the new Varying Structural Damping “Stick-Slip” module for BETA testing, and is subject to the restrictions detailed in the v4.12 User Guide.

For more information on the SHEAR7 version release or academic licensing, please see the Development Path page, refer to the v4.12 User Guide, or contact the SHEAR7 Management Team directly.

To DownloadIf your license is current, you should have received an email with passwords and instructions on downloading this latest version. If you believe your license is up to date and you have not received this information or would like more information on SHEAR7, please contact us.

SHEAR7 V4.11

SHEAR7 v4.11 includes theoretical improvements, processing enhancements and bug fixes to improve various aspects of the SHEAR7 software, and is now available for download. Some of the highlights of this new version include:

  • Addition of a Varying Structure Damping “Stick-Slip” module for BETA testing
  • Distributed amplitude iterations for more accurate hydrodynamic lift and damping (previously known as “Beta Iterations”)
  • Optional stress time history output file

The v4.11 Academic License contains all changes above, including the new Varying Structural Damping “Stick-Slip” module for BETA testing, and is subject to the restrictions detailed in the v4.11 User Guide.

For more information on the SHEAR7 version release or academic licensing, please see the Development Path page, refer to the v4.11 User Guide, or contact the SHEAR7 Management Team directly.

To DownloadIf your license is current, you should have received an email with passwords and instructions on downloading this latest version. If you believe your license is up to date and you have nor received this information or would like more information on SHEAR7, please contact us.

SHEAR7 JIP and User Group Meeting 2021

SHEAR7 JIP and User Group MeetingS: 2023

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023 AMOG was pleased to host the SHEAR7 JIP and User Group Meeting, welcoming attendees in person and remotely. The day saw 30+ users join the meeting from all over North America, Europe, Colombia, and Australia.

Attended by Prof Kim Vandiver, Dr Hayden Marcollo, Craig Dillon-Gibbons, and Themis Resvanis, it was a great opportunity for SHEAR7 Users to learn of the updates that will be included in the next version of SHEAR7 software, v4.12, set to be released later in the year.

If you are interested in SHEAR7 Training, whether as a new user or for a refresh, please contact the SHEAR7 Team to express your interest (obligation free).

SHEAR7 JIP and User Group Meetings: 2021

On Tuesday, March 2, 2021 AMOG hosted our first fully virtual SHEAR7 JIP and User Group Meeting. The day saw 30+ users join the meeting from all over North America, Europe, Colombia, and Australia.

Presentations were given by Prof Kim Vandiver, Craig Dillon-Gibbons, Victoria Ryan, Themis Resvanis and Liexin Ma.

It was a great opportunity for SHEAR7 Users to learn of updates that will be included in the next version of SHEAR7 software, v4.11, which is set to be released later this year.

SHEAR7 v4.10b

SHEAR7 v4.10b included bug fixes to improve various aspects of the SHEAR7.

Along with the sub-release of v4.10b came the offering a lease-based option for academic institutions interested in using SHEAR7 for non-commercial purposes. The Academic License lets users avail of the commercial program capabilities with minor restrictions.

For more information on the SHEAR7 sub-version release or academic licensing, please see the Development Path page or contact the SHEAR7 Management Team directly.

To Download: If your license is current you should have received an email with passwords and instructions on downloading this latest version. If you believe your license is up to date and you have not received this information, or would like more information on SHEAR7, please contact us.

SHEAR7 v4.10a – Latest Release


The latest version of SHEAR7 (v4.10a) includes a significant improvement to the modelling of spatially varying damping, resulting in a more accurate response prediction, particularly in regions outside of the excitation zone.

This release also resolves bugs relating to the reduced velocity bandwidth parameter and the required number of spatial segments.

For more information on the theoretical improvements, bug fixes, error handling, I/O handling, improved input validation, and command line options, please see the SHEAR7 Evolution and Development Path page.

To Download: If your license is current you should have received an email with passwords and instructions on downloading this latest version. If you believe your license is up to date and you have not received this information or would like more information on SHEAR7 please contact us.

SHEAR7 v4.8a has been released

SHEAR7 v4.8a was released in October 2014. 

SHEAR7 Version 4.8a contains a number of important enhancements to the existing SHEAR7 program:

  • Theoretical improvements including, new solution method for the lift and damping, a new hydrodynamic damping coefficient, selection of ID / OD for fatigue calculation and implementation of the universal c* damping parameter
  • Improved I/O data handling of error messages and output file formatting
  • Refactoring of the major parts of the source code carried out for improved readability, maintainability and simulation time
  • Regression test suite expanded both in breadth and quantity
  • Bug tracking and resolution features resolved
  • Example files increased to include Jumper VIV load cases
  • Added version control on input files

If you would like more information on this release please contact the SHEAR7 Team

SHEAR7 v4.9b Has Been Released

SHEAR7 v4.9b – released in April 2016.

SHEAR7 v4.9b contains a number of important enhancements and bug fixes to the existing SHEAR7 program:

  • The definition of Uhave been revised based on updated research findings. Uf is defined as RMS of the current speed in the power-in region for the excited mode.
  • Refinement of the convergence criteria applied to the beta iterations
  • SHEAR7 now supports the three Windows versions; Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10
  • SHEAR7 is now compiled as a 64 bit program to improve memory allocation and overall performance

If you would like more information on this release, please see the Development Path page or you can contact the SHEAR7 Team.

SHEAR7 Version 4.9b User Guide has been updated

The SHEAR7 Version 4.9b User Guide has undergone some minor corrections to ensure consistency and minimise confusion. 

  • The description of Uf in Chapter 1.1.1 has been corrected to match the definition in later sections.
  • The equations relating to Bending Stress Curvature Loading Factor (BSCLF) have been revised to improve the understanding and implementation of this parameter.
  • Corrected the In-Line Parameters provided in Summary Table G3 to reflect the in-text description.
  • Provided further clarification on the default parameters for Higher Harmonics.

If you would like more information about this release, please contact the SHEAR7 Team.